1961/4/1 | Ube Technical Junior College established. |
6/2 | The opening ceremony and the first entrance ceremony of Ube Technical Junior College held. |
1962/3/20 | New Administration building built(1st phase main building construction). |
4/1 | Ube National College of Technology started (Department of Mechanical Engineering and Department of Electrical Engineering). |
8/20 | New Mechanical and Electrical Engineering building built(2nd phase main building construction). |
1963/3/10 | New General Education building, and Training Workshop built. |
3/30 | New Student Cafeteria built. |
1964/3/25 | New Student Dormitories(Building C, Building F and Cafeteria)built. |
1965/3/30 | New Gymnasium Ⅰ and Student Dormitory(Building G)built. |
1966/3/25 | New Student Dormitory(Boiler Room)built. |
3/31 | Control of 11,622㎡ of land transferred from the Ministry of Education(Ube Technical Junior College). |
4/1 | Department of Industrial Chemistry established. |
1967/2/28 | New Martial Arts Center built. |
3/25 | New Boiler Room and Student Dormitory(Building E) built. |
10/16 | Jurisdiction of 54,581㎡ of land transferred from the Ministry of Finance(Chugoku Local Finance Bureau). |
1969/3/25 | Student Dormitories(New Dormitory and Central Dormitory), Boiler Room and Student Dormitory Cafeteria enlarged. |
〃 | New Student Dormitories(Building A and Bathhouse)built. |
12/10 | 2,597㎡ of land(Oyama)purchased by the Ube National College of Technology. |
1971/3/26 | New Library built. |
1972/3/10 | 534㎡ of land(Oyama)purchased by the Ube National College of Technology. |
1973/2/15 | Jurisdiction of 925㎡ of land transferred from the Ministry of Finance(Chugoku Local Finance Bureau). |
2/28 | New Mechanical Engineering Experiment Building built. |
9/14 | Use of 34㎡ of land discontinued. |
1977/7/27 | Control of 3,077㎡ of land transferred from the Ministry of Education(Yamaguchi University). |
〃 | Control of 3,179㎡ of land transferred from Ube National College of Technology(Oyama)to Yamaguchi University. |
1978/7/1 | Control of 3,429㎡ of land transferred from the Ministry of Education(Yamaguchi University). |
1981/3/31 | New Gymnasium Ⅱ built. |
1984/3/27 | New Student Union built. |
1988/3/25 | New Student Dormitories(Building D and Building B)built. |
4/1 | Department of Intelligent System Engineering established. |
〃 | Education and Research Center for Technology established. |
1989/3/23 | New Education and Research Center for Technology built. |
1990/3/20 | New Department of Intelligent System Engineering Building built. |
4/1 | Department of Industrial Chemistry reorganized into the Department of Chemical and Biological Engineering. |
1992/4/1 | Department of Business Administration established. |
1994/3/25 | New Business Administration Building built. |
1997/4/1 | Advanced Course(Advanced Course of Production Systems Engineering, Advanced Course of Chemical and Biological Engineering)established. |
1999/3/26 | New Advanced Course Building built. |
2000/2/1 | Advanced Course Building enlarged. |
4/1 | Computer Center was renamed Information Processing Center. |
2003/12/16 | Education and Research Center for Technology was renamed Collaborative Research Center. |
〃 | Collaborative Research Center enlarged. |
2004/4/1 | Becomes The Independent Administrative Institution. |
2005/4/1 | Advanced Course(Advanced Course of Management Information Engineering)established. |
5/12 | The “Educational Program based on Production Engineering” is accredited by Japan Accreditation Board Engineering Education(JABEE). |
2006/3/17 | Boiler Room remodeled into Manufacturing Workshop. |
3/31 | Student Union(2nd floor)remodeled into the floor Advanced Course of Management Information Engineering. |
〃 | Dormitory(Building A)remodeled into Club House. |
2007/12/28 | Two Training Workshops combined. |
2009/1/30 | Library Remodeled. |
4/23 | The “Educational Program based on Management Information Engineering” was accredited by JABEE. |
2012/10/5 | 50th Anniversary Exhibition Room established. |
2014/4/1 | The “Educational Program based on Production Engineering” accredited by JABEE, was renamed the “Educational Program based on Production System Engineering”. |
2016/3/9 | The “Educational Program based on Chemical and Biochemical Engineering” was accredited by JABEE. |
2018/3/15 | Boiler Room and Student Dormitory(Building G)remodeled into Club House. |
〃 | Previous “Club House” was renamed “International Exchange Center”. |