Fukuoka Women’s University, Nagasaki Junior College and Ube Kosen organized a joint symposium on “Long Term Off-Campus Learning Program (GAP year)”, Subject IV, Acceleration Program for University Education Rebuilding under Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology, which was selected in 2015, at Fukuoka Women’s College on Saturday, November 3/ 2018.
The topic of symposium was “Before and After the Off-Campus Learning Program”. Students who joined the program reported the changes (Before and After the program) at the symposium.
Students explaining the overview of Acceleration Program for University Education Rebuilding
These three schools students held a poster session as an ice breaker prior to the symposium, so that they could know each other and share their similarities and experiences.
At the beginning of the symposium which started at 1 pm, students explained the overview of the program. The symposium was unique as it was not only to inform “a goal of each school”, “what kind of personnel they want to produce”, “purpose of each program”, but also reported their experiences of Long Term Off-Campus Learning Program. From Ube Kosen, Ms. Misato Tanaka, 4th year of Department of Business Administration and Mr. Masaki Tanaka, 1st year of Advanced Course of Production Systems Engineering joined the symposium. They presented of the overview of Acceleration Program, 4 semesters, International exchanges, Community education to resolve local issues and current situation of long term internship.
The organizer provided a poster session of Long Term Off-Campus Learning Program, International Training and Internship. Many people (Fukuoka Women’s University students, some companies and municipalities which accepted internships, people from educational organization interested in this symposium) attended the session and discussed the matters. Our students could learn something new through the sessions.
Poster Sessions
Panel discussion was held at the end. Moderator was Associate Professor Ms. Minori Yuda from Fukuoka Women’s University and two students from each schools which organized the symposium joined as panelists. They discussed motivation to join the Long Term Off-Campus Learning Program, accomplishment, changes on students themselves after the program, educational development proposal to educational institutions and so on.
Panel Discussion
It was not common that higher educational institutions which located in Nagasaki, Fukuoka and Yamaguchi worked together and the students led to organize the symposium. It is educational institutions to lead the educational development, but students could be most affected. Ube Kosen will keep implementing and improving the Long Term Off-Campus Learning Program in order to foster students who are self-directed learner, good on future-oriented and able to survive global communities.