Ube Kosen has tried many different activities to establish next-generation international exchange in order to cultivate “Ube style: Global Kosen Students” since 2017 as KOSEN 4.0 initiative project.
We held a symposium to report for the past two years achievements and also discuss how to produce global person, student’s career design at Manyo banquet room, ANA Crown Plaza Hotel Ube on Saturday, February 2.
131 people (Ube-city residents, Kosen students and parents, Kosen staff and so on) participated the symposium and it went to very successful.

Mr. Suetsugu, Ube vice mayor, giving a guest speech
MC: Ms. Wada who is a free announcer, graduates of Ube Kosen

Keynote speech titled “Expectation for global engineer training by local global companies” provided by Mr. Fujiwara from Yamaguchi international trade information center of Japan External Trade Organization
Prof. Hatamura, director of Ube Kosen study abroad/ international exchange office, explained Ube style next-generation international exchange.
And Mr.Yashiro, teacher of Mihatsu elementary school in Ube city, reported experiments by working with international students which is same as Ube style feature.
He also reported this experiment helped not only globalization of students, but teachers and staff. Jessie, international student, who taught English at elementary school last year showed up on the stage.

Mr. Yashiro, teacher of Mihatsu elementary school in Ube-city, reporting their experiments by working with international students
Mr. Miwa, CEO of ChromaJean Corporation and graduates of Ube Kosen, gave a special speech titled “Pathway to entrepreneur for glocal person”. It was about how he started up a business. Before he started the business, he worked for a big pharmaceutical company. He had a twist and turns life.
Mr. Miwa also participated as a facilitator for panel discussion after his speech.
Mr. Hozumi (5th year of Dep. Mechanical Engineering) and Ms. Kumagaya (3rd year of Dep. Business Administration) explained why they chose Kosen. And then we pursued career formation transition of business owners who joined the symposium as panelists and Ube KOSEN OB.
Lastly, Mr. Kohiyama from Ube city hall introduced “Ube Start Up (Ube co-creative innovation centre, Aspiration)”. It was about how to connect global people and Ube city.

Panel Discussion
Ube Kosen students presented their experienced international exchange activities by using posters at panel session.
Student’s presentations were judged for an excellent poster award and an excellent presentation award.

Mr. Yamada (left) won excellent poster award, President Mitani, Ms. Mitsui (right) won excellent presentation award
We are recognized as an educational organization of international exchange in our community. We will lead international exchange activities in Chugoku & Shikoku district from now on collaborating with partnership schools in oversees.

Group picture after the symposium