Sixteen 4th-year students from the Department of Business Administration joined “Online Business English Training” which run by six students from the Department of English, Wenzao Ursuline University of Languages in Taiwan (Kaohsiung City), which we have an academic exchange agreement with, from November 2020 to the beginning of March 2021. The Department of Business Administration has been accepted students from the Wenzao Ursuline University of Languages in Taiwan as “practicum students” since 2018. Taiwanese practicum students provide English conversation lessons as part of the training program. But they could not come to Japan this year due to COVID 19 so that they provided online English conversation lessons using Microsoft Teams instead.
A disadvantage of the online lesson was that we had some negative effects due to the internet environment. But it turned out that we had more advantages compared to the past experiences as a result. The advantages are:
We will continue to have such online communication even after the face-to-face communication resumes in the future.
During the English conversation lesson |
Student Comment
TAKAYANAGI Yudai (4th-year of the Department of Business Administration)
I think my English skills such as “listening and telling my thoughts” were improved by taking the online business English training.
Taiwanese students led the lesson in a classroom-style basically. The lesson was planned based on Japanese student’s English level. When we did not understand some meaning during the conversation, Taiwanese students explained using simpler words based on our English level. So we enjoyed learning English in the casual atmosphere.