独立行政法人国立高等専門学校機構 宇部工業高等専門学校


Students Leadership and Networking Seminar 2021(ニーマラ2021)がスタートしました



6月4日から2ヶ月のスケジュールで、高専機構の包括協定校であり、宇部高専の学生も毎年海外研修で訪問しているマレーシア・マラ工科大学(UiTM)との間で、「Student Leadership& Networking Seminar 2021」がスタートしました。

本校の1年から専攻科2年までの計31名、第4ブロックの新居浜高専(愛媛県)、松江高専(島根県)から合わせて4名の計35名の高専生がこのセミナーへ参加し、2ヶ月間、UiTM の学生35名とオンライン(Zoom)で交流を行います。












Ahmad Sirhan(マラ工科大学・化学系、本セミナーのマラ工科大学側の学生リーダー)

This program has brought a lot of optimism and enthusiasm so far to the university and to me as well. When I was asked to lead the group by my coordinator, I had a few doubts, but I was ecstatic as I finally had a chance to improve my Japanese which I started learning a few years ago. The opportunity to make some new friends from Japan and UiTM also brought me a lot of excitement. This feeling is shared by my fellow UiTM students as well, as when we interviewed the candidates for the program, all of them were really excited at the prospect of making new friends, especially from outside of Malaysia. Some of them were in the same boat as me, where they were looking for a way to improve or learn Japanese, even though they did not know much of the language. The NITUC students have also impressed me as well. They have been very cooperative and friendly, and their English is also fairly good. All in all, I am excited to take part and see the end of this program and I hope that it is very successful.


Siti AIsyah Binti Mokhtar(本校特任准教授、グローバルエンジニア事業担当)

With the overwhelmed responses from the participants, last year’s UiTM (Malaysia) –NITUC (Japan) Student Leadership & Networking Seminar was a success. Therefore, for the year 2021, we also decided to hold the mobility program virtually via zoom between University of Technology MARA (UiTM), Malaysia and National Institute of Technology, Ube College (NITUC), Japan.
This year,70 students (35 students from UiTM and 35 students from NITUC) participated in the program. 2 students from National College of Technology, Niihama College and one student from National Institute of Technology, Matsue College also participated. Active participation allowed more students to strengthen the international ties between the two institutions.
The aim is for the students to know each other’s history, traditions, culture, and personality, open up their minds to the world, and practice English and Japanese in the most relaxed and motivating way. Through this program, the student’s leadership skills can be polished, and they enjoy teaching and learning English and Japanese. They also can improve their communication skills and language proficiency. I was impressed when most of the students can use some method and their creative way in order to communicate with each other. All the students from both sides were giving full cooperation to make sure the program can sail smoothly.
It is challenging to handle this extensive program, but thanks to the student leaders of this program, Soichiro Nagatomi (NITUC) and Ahmad Sirhan (UiTM). The student leaders give full support and cooperation to this program, and I have no doubt about their leadership skills. They should be taken as role models to other students too. Finally, I hope this program will end successfully.

