![]() 山川校長との記念写真 |
Nur Suraya Binti Amad Mazni(ツラヤ) Adriana Marlisa Binti Fazneehisham(アドリアナ) Muhammad Arman Bin Zainuddin(アルマン) |
機械工学科後藤研究室 |
Nur Hani Alyssa Binti Nor Azhar(ハニ) | 電気工学科三澤研究室 |
Ahmad Faiz Bin Norazam(ファイズ) | 制御情報工学科三谷研究室 |
Nur Azwa Hanim Binti Azizan (アズワ) | 物質工学科小林研究室 |
Khairul Bariah Binti Azman(KB) | 経営情報学科田川研究室 |
Adriana Marlisa Binti Fazneehisham(機械工学科後藤研究室)
Konichiwa! My name is Adriana Marlisa Binti Fazneehisham, an exchange student from Malaysia. I am 23 years old . I am in my Final Year of my study in Bachelor Degree in Mechanical Engineering from Universiti Teknologi MARA Kampus Shah Alam and will be graduating next year in September.
I am currently doing research for my final year project in NIT, Ube College with Professor Minoru Goto on stainless steel with my other two friends whereby we study the characterization of additively manufactured 316L stainless steel. The specimen that we study were manufactured by using Selective Laser Melting (SLM) technique on a Renishaw AM500 machine with a powder spherical size of ~50𝜇𝑚. The specimen were then heat treated by using a gaseous thermochemical treatment process in a customized tube furnace. Two heat treatment processes have been conducted, namely the nitriding process and the nitrocarburizing process. As a benchmark, each specimen will be compared to untreated additively manufactured 316L stainless steel and wrought stainless steel. The aim of our research is to perform the characterization process of the specimens in order to determine the surface characteristics and performance.
Everything about Japan attracts me to visit this country one day and I am glad I get an opportunity to become one of the exchange students in my dream country. I always feel fascinated with the Japanese culture, the people and not to forget, the advanced technology. Japan is well known with numerous anime that is famous all around the world and I happened to watch some of that like Naruto, Kimetsu no Yaiba and Jujutsu Kaisen and it amaze me how Japanese language has so many ways of talking and intonation for one thing. Hearing stories from my lecturers about their experiences living in Japan makes me eager to know more about this country. Just like most of the people who never been to Japan before, all I know about Japan is the famous Tokyo city. Before arriving here, I never know there are a lot prefectures in Japan and to be specific, there is a place called Ube in Japan. But after living in here, I immediately fall in love with the calmness of this place and the kindness of the people around here. Although it is a countryside, everything that we need here are within cycling distance and unlike in many countries, pedestrians and cyclists here are top priority on the road making me feeling safe to cycle to get to places around here.
I am hoping that within these 3 months, I get to learn a lot about Japanese culture, language and get a chance to visit a lot of places in Japan and me too can introduce Malaysian culture and traditions to my Japanese friends since Malaysia is a multiracial country, there are a lot of cultures practiced by different races in Malaysia. I also hope while I am here, I get to build friendship with a lot of people here so the connection will remain until forever.
Khairul Bariah Binti Azman(経営情報学科田川研究室)
Hi everyone, I’m KB, one of the international students from Malaysia for the JASSO scholarship program. I’m 25 years old. Currently I’m in my final year of my Master of Accountancy at UiTM Shah Alam, Selangor, Malaysia.
I’m here with my other 6 friends (Azwa from Molecular Biology, Hani from Electrical Engineering, Faiz from Intelligent System Engineering and also Arman, Suraya & Adrianna from Mechanical Engineering). We are incredibly grateful for the opportunity to participate in this cultural exchange and research attachment program in Japan. We arrived in Japan on 17th Oct 2022 and will end our program on 20th Jan 2023.
I have been assigned to complete a research paper together with Tagawa Sensei. I will do a research paper titled “The Impact of ESG Performance on Financial Performance of Japan Public Listed Company”. The reason I chose this topic is because Japan is a well-known world leader in technology and really particular on sustainability issues. I am really excited to complete this research paper.
I have previously heard a lot about how ethical and respectful Japanese people are. However, I have never had the chance to explore Japan all this time. So I feel so blessed to be chosen to do research attachment here in Japan. I was so overwhelmed when I first set foot in Japan since it was a dream come true for me. All of the flattering remarks I have already heard are, in fact, true. I feel so touched with the generosity of Japanese people. One thing I have learned about people in Japan is that no matter who you are, where you are from, or what language your native tongue is, you should always be treated with respect.
Another fascinating thing that I got here is the stunning scenery of Japan. I really love nature. When I arrived in Ube Kosen, I was so excited when I could see the abundance of flowers, the beautiful scenery and the cleanliness of the environment. It makes me feel like home. I feel so safe, cherished and loved here. I will absolutely miss this moment one day.
I’m also looking forward to experiencing winter soon. Since, in Malaysia we never experience winter at all. I was really excited to witness the first snowfall. Maybe it would be a bit challenging for us because we are not familiar with the cold weather before. But indeed it was a very interesting experience that not everyone could have.
Japanese people, the food, the scenery, and the technology really amazed me. I sincerely appreciate JASSO, Ube Kosen, each and every sensei, my Japanese friends, and all Japanese people for giving me the chance to feel the loveliness and beauty of Japan, especially in Ube Kosen. Please let me know if you plan to visit Malaysia anytime and I will make sure to reciprocate all of your kindness. Lot’s of love, KB.